Say Goodbye to Fluffy Fuzz: A Guide to Lint-Free Towels

March 28, 2024

Are your towels shedding more than your pet's fur? It's a common woe, especially with new towels. But fret not, dear Robinsons shoppers, we have the perfect solutions to bid farewell to lint and welcome the soft embrace of fluffy towels. Here's our ultimate guide to keep those pesky fibres at bay.

Step 1: Shake it Off

Before diving into a luxurious towel experience, give them a good shake to rid any loose lint. Pro tip: Do this outside to avoid dusting off lint from every surface.

Step 2: Dryer Magic

Believe it or not, we're starting with the dryer before washing! If you have one, toss your towels in on the lowest heat setting after ensuring the lint trap is clean. No dryer? No worries, skip ahead to step four.

Step 3: Post Dryer Shake

After the dryer dance, give your towels another vigorous shake to ensure they're ready for the next step.

Step 4: Bicarb or Vinegar Soak

Pop your towels into the washing machine with ½ cup of bicarbonate soda or vinegar along with your usual detergent. Opt for a hot wash to let the magic of hot water and vinegar/bicarb dissolve any excess lint.

Step 5: Washing Machine Wisdom

Avoid overloading the machine to allow your towels space to shake off loose fibres. Separate towels to prevent pulls and pills caused by friction with other items. Sort them into lights, darks, and colours to maintain their vibrancy.

Step 6: Vinegar Softener Swap

Say goodbye to fabric softeners! Instead, embrace the natural softening properties of vinegar. Add ¼ cup of vinegar into the fabric softener compartment with each load for long-lasting, fluffy towels.

Step 7: Post-Wash Shake Encore

Celebrate a lint-free victory with a post-wash towel shake. It's the final step to ensure your towels are perfectly fluffy.

Step 8: Dry Down

Dry your towels on a warm heat setting in the dryer or let them bask in the natural sunlight. Avoid drying on hot settings to prevent damage to the fibres.

Step 9: Wool Ball Wizardry

If using a dryer, toss in a couple of wool balls. These little heroes naturally soften and fluff your towels while banishing lint to oblivion.

Congratulations, you've now mastered the art of lint-free towel bliss! Get ready to enjoy the luxurious softness of your towels like never before. Drying off has never been so fabulous with Robinsons!